On Sat, 12 Apr 2003, PUNEET wrote: >i am doing image segmentation using CMVision library. i got a lego >mindstorms camera which support only rgb24 as it's capture format. Oh! So _this_ is the LEGO cam that is supposed to be supported by the quickcam drivers! >capture a yuv image. i am using the quickcam-tt driver from >http://www.ee.oulu.fi/~tuukkat/quickcam/quickcam-tt-2002-11-..> The driver name has changed, it is now called qc-usb. quickcam-tt driver is old version, get new from http://www.ee.oulu.fi/~tuukkat/quickcam/qc-usb-cvs.tar.gz or from the SourceForge anonymous CVS. The driver definitely does support capturing in YUV format, but not in all of them. Try e.g. VIDEO_PALETTE_YUV422 or YUYV.