Wan Tat Chee wrote:
On Wed, 9 Apr 2003, Silvano Galliani wrote:
mercoled? 9 aprile 2003 alle 15 e 30, Wan Tat Chee scrisse {-:
:-} I'm also taking a stab in the dark, and copied over the definition for
:-} the radio entry, to include the gpiomask from the FV3K settings.
:-} Someone ought to try this out and see if radio works properly.
With gpiomask=0xE000 radio,tv sound and mute work with or without your patch
Silvano Galliani
The only real change is for radio input and muting. My patch implements
muting using the Analog Mux Enable line toggling now instead of using
LINE1 previously.
As for radio, it's interesting that radio works with AMuxSelect = 00 (TV
audio path) and AMuxSelect = 01 (common path to TV Audio???)
Yes, tv+fm combined tuners have one audio output for both.