Hello Jim,
every time I reboot my /dev/video0 gets set back to
only root rw "crw-------".
and each time I go back in and do a "chmod 666 /dev/video0" and when I
ls it it says "crw-rw-rw-" as I would expect.
any idea what is happening.
Do you run RedHat?
"man 5 console.perms" should explain what is happening:
> /etc/security/console.perms determines the permissions
> that will be given to priviledged users of the console at
> login time, and the permissions to which to revert when
> the users log out. It is read by the pam_console module.
So go ahead and edit /etc/security/console.perms. It's not a bug, it's a
(security) feature. 8-)