Jacek Pop³awski wrote: > On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 08:01:38AM -0500, Benedict Bridgwater wrote: > > - plays AVI with built-in OpenDivX decoder > > hmm.... how slow it is ? :) Actually the playback is fine - it's real-time. The OpenDivX encoder is a slightly enhanced version of the MoMuSys MPEG-4 implementation, and is very slow, but I understand the decoder is a complete rewrite - it's fast. Personally I'm not a big fan of the OpenDivX project (for a start it's not GPL'd), although MPEG-4 in general is great. > > > > It's also faster than any other players I've tried. > > strange, it's not avifile-based? It uses the win32 CODEC loading mechanism from the avifile library, but not AVI file reading part of it - it does it's own AVI parsing, apparently with a good deal of robustness to errors. The speed really comes from the multithreaded internals, buffering and optimized output drivers. Ben