> The PCTV can only tune into lower frequencies using xawtv. Would this
> bug be a kind of ploy to just watch N.R.K in Norway? :)
Yes, of course ;)
I have all stations back on thanks to:
> I messed up updateing glibc to 2.3.2 on Slackware 9 so I'll go with
> kernel 2.4.21 after clean reinstall.
Known problem. Try 2.4.22 or latest bttv 0.7.x
I went for the latest 0.7.x driver and now it works. Thanks again. Three
issues to solve:
- Where do I find the version number in the kernel?
- When recording with mencoder (have to set the 'record' flag on line1) the
sound is lost when resuming xawtv. rmmod of at least bttv and videodev must
be committed. Why can't the two programs be friends?
- Again, when the kernel will bump once more and I'll have to find the bttv
version number. Is there a version number or is the kernel bttv
Again, good tip. All along I've tested v4l2 which wasn't really necessary.
Roger Andreassen.
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