Hello ,
I saw in the phillps linux webcam site
the following note anout the vic project and an
extension to the linux grabber of this project :
"Sandro Wefel made a replacement for grabber-video4linux.cpp
to enable the YUV420P palette for VIC. Simply copy this file over the
one in the vic distribution and rebuild."
well , I looked at the code ,(there is a link to that
code of Sandro Wefel in the site abovr) and I saw the following:
// have_420P
// vcvt_420p_411p(width_, height_, (char *)fr, frame_);
memcpy((void *)......
well , I am trying to understand the change and especially why it is
(because it works OK , I had tested it with YUV420P Palette!)
Well , it seems that a method name "vcvt_420p_411p" was added ,
but it is not called (it's full implementation is at the end of the grabber
instead , there is a call to memcpy .
Why this call is correct ?
I had tried to locate Sandro Wefel but could not (it seems
that his mail address I saw by searching with google is no more valid)
; does anybody
know why this memcpy is correct ?
Does anybod know Sandro Wefel email address ?
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