Hi y'all, I'm trying to write a simple video capture program using v4l, using source code based closely on that at http://pages.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~sayles/VFL_HowTo/example.cc. The only real modification I have made is to output the buffers directly to an opengl window instead of saving it to files. However, the only output I'm getting right now is red. The problem occurs at the call ioctl(deviceHandle, VIDIOCMCAPTURE, &mmaps[bufferIndex]) -- this returns true for the red frame, but I get no blue or green. I'm running this on an ATI TV Wonder card with kernel 2.4.21. This is my first time actually askinig y'all for help even though you've been quite helpful with me just trolling the list :D Any assistance is much appreciated! --Richard Kirkendall