Hi, I'm in Romania at the moment and here VHF channels are transmitted in PAL-D, and UHF ones in PAL-G. I.e. the audio offset shifts by an extra 1Mhz when I swap from one station to another! Since due to my current aerial (read: random bit of wire) only lets me get 2 channels at the moment, one VHF the other UHF, this is getting, urm.. frustrating. I have a new-style Pinnacle-PCTV with a MT2032 in it and a tda9887, so I can select which channel I want to hear at module-load time via the pal= option, and using that it all works under 0.7.106 (joy!) but hey... It would be really nice to be able to switch these on the fly without reloading/unloading the driver, but looking at the code I guess I need to start writing - it seems not to be a parameter to anything but the module. Anyone know of any significant reason this isnt there already? Just too few people wanting it and not enough time? As for implementing such changes, is there any CURRENT support in apps (e.g. xawtv) for specifying such things (as part of a channel spec). My wife will get annoyed about it soon you see. Or would it make more sense to just make the switch based on frequency (I get the feeling that'd be easier - e.g. just specify 2 letters to the pal=module parameter and let the module take care of it). Looking at the kernel side of things, I can't immediatly see how an app could/would tell the driver what to do... David