Hi, has anybody ever got mp4live of the mpeg4ip.sourceforge.net package to run with firewire? I think all that mp4live needs is video4linux, there is video4linux support for firewire in Redhat, right? , but the mpeg4ip README for mp4live says, that it is not possible. Somebody wants me to install mp4live on a thinkpad for a wlan experiment and I dont know what I shall say. mp4live runs here nicenst, on an old PII 233 Mhz with 176x144 15 fps and 8000 b/sec aac audio, with Redhat 9. I am not a Linux guru, my usual, email etc, multimedia experiments, machine is FreeBSD (this is simpler ;-), H. http://www.uni-bonn.de/~uzs106/ -- some mp4 trivia and a small drawing.