Great Justin... That did it (installing the latest version of NVrec). All runs very smoothly. I did have a few snags in compiling, such as: - Had to add a line: #define rte_context_destroy rte_context_delete to rtefile_core.c, else a message about missing reference to rte_context_destroy appeared. (Strange, this same line _is_ defined in rte.h, I believe)
You seem to have both the CVS and install versions of RTE installed, and they are conflicting.
Had to modify this in the Makefile (I'm sure this isn't the right way to do it - but I'm no expert) QTrec_LDADD = QTrec.o -L/opt/gnome/lib -lquicktime -ldl -lpng -lglib RTjpeg/libR Tjpeg.a (That -L/opt/gnome/lib is added, else the glib wouldn't be found).
Umm... I will have to look for a way to autodetect that, as it doesn't occur in any other distribution...
Thanks, -justin