Great Justin... That did it (installing the latest version of NVrec). All runs very smoothly. I did have a few snags in compiling, such as: - Had to add a line: #define rte_context_destroy rte_context_delete to rtefile_core.c, else a message about missing reference to rte_context_destroy appeared. (Strange, this same line _is_ defined in rte.h, I believe) Had to modify this in the Makefile (I'm sure this isn't the right way to do it - but I'm no expert) QTrec_LDADD = QTrec.o -L/opt/gnome/lib -lquicktime -ldl -lpng -lglib RTjpeg/libR Tjpeg.a (That -L/opt/gnome/lib is added, else the glib wouldn't be found). Thanks for the help. John BTW: I'm using Slackware 8.0...