On Sun, Dec 16, 2001 at 03:44:56PM -0800, Billy Biggs wrote: > When you say using a regular video card with TV-out, do you mean just > running X at 720x[480,576] and drawing frames full-screen? Yes. > If you draw an interlaced frame to the screen in this manner, you have > no way of knowing what order the fields will be shown. Not only that, > if you don't know the clock the card is using to output the fields, if > you don't draw the next frame in time it could loop between the two > current fields (motion jumping back in time!). If I run Ogle or Xine on a 720x576 screen, why is this a concern to me? > Not only that, but you have no control over how the hardware scaling > might affect your image. If you blit an interlaced frame at 640x480 for > example, if the hardware decides to do a filtered scale to 720x480 for > output to TV, you may see image data bleed into the other field. Ugh. I would leave this to the application. Mike.