I just obtained a card that is labelled as an AITech WaveWatcher but appears in lspci as a ZR36120. To try to get it working, I enabled CONFIG_VIDEO_ZR36120=m in my 2.4.22 kernel, as well as bttv and i2c as mentioned in zr36120.txt. However, make modules_install does not install zr36120.o in /lib/modules, and insmodding it from the linux source directory gives: # insmod zr36120.o zr36120.o: unresolved symbol zoran_i2c_bus_template zr36120.o: unresolved symbol i2c_unregister_bus zr36120.o: unresolved symbol bfree zr36120.o: unresolved symbol i2c_register_bus zr36120.o: unresolved symbol i2c_control_device zr36120.o: unresolved symbol bmalloc # insmod zr36120_i2c.o zr36120_i2c.o: couldn't find the kernel version the module was compiled for Trying to modprode bttv (just for kicks) gives a "No such device" error. However, the card seems to be in http://home.t-online.de/home/gunther.mayer/bttv/bttv-gallery.html (search for WaveWatched), but as a bt878. Did I stumble upon a new species, or is this supported in some configuration I haven't tried? Thanks, -- Brian