Hi, I tried running "Xawtv" Tv viewer application successfully which uses "V4l2" API in my desktop linux. Now I want to code an application similar to a TV viewer with "Real Time" capability. I planned to use "Kurt" API's (Kansas University Real Time OS - http://www.ittc.ukans.edu/kurt/ ) to add realtime capability. The "Xawtv" application opens "/dev/video0" to read video streams and "V4l2" API for tunning channels. Now, My doubt is whether we can combine both "Kurt" API and "V4l2" API in one single application, so that application has real time capability. If so how to do the same ? I am using bttv based tv tuner card (PixelView PlayTv Pro) which is placed over a PCI slot. I am working in the following environment. Red Hat Linux 8.0, vanilla kernel 2.4.20. With Regards, S.Suriya Mohan. There is no substitution for hard work. Information is wealth.