I just bought a Pinnacle PCTV pro. I thought i made my homework and that
it was supported...
I also had problems to get it to work under win2K so i browsed the the
pinnacle support website. They have an article about Linux support that
reads they work with external developpers to which they provide
technical docs and card samples.
I just like to know if it is true ?
For what i've read on this list's archive, the question about newer PCTV
Rave/pro support is a monthly topic for the last 6 month and "best"
response i've seen is "The card is not supported".
So i'd also like to know if somebody that can develop such a driver is
interested ? (Unfortunatly i'm not qualified...)
Or is it that this is not the good list for those queries ?
Thanks for any answer.
Insert classic disclaimer for not being a native english speaker...