On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 dballester@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: >Anybody can put a reference in the FAQ about the quickcam module from Tukka >and the compat=dblbfr insmod parameter? What about it? Something like: Q: Quickcam driver doesn't work. What should I do? A: Try using "qcset compat=dblbuf" Would this be OK, I can't think of anything more specific myself? If this parameter is required, the driver should already print instructions about what to do into kernel logs. Of course, unfortunately not everyone can look it from there. >>My webcam don't work, with gnomeetind and xawtv too,when i start xawtv i >>receive the following error : Not such device /dev/video0, how i resolve I don't think the above FAQ entry would help at all: xawtv should work fine without the option. The error message also should be different. Something else is probably wrong. Check /dev/video0 permissions and major and minor number (quick solution: rm -f /dev/video0 mknod /dev/video0 c 81 0 chmod a+r /dev/video0 ln -s /dev/video0 /dev/video ls -la /dev/video0 and this _is_ in the FAQ). >Ciao Domenico, Ciao, ciao. I guess this means "hello". For the rest I can just to guess.