1. That's right - you only need the /dev/input/eventX support in lircd. You dont need any other kernel modules. 2. You can check if it's working by looking in your syslog (usually /var/log/messages) and see if a message appears when you press a remote button. You might need to modprobe ir-common with debug=1 option - can't quite recall. Also, you need the evdev module loaded after loading saa7134. This makes /dev/input/event0 appear. You can use the input tools from www.bytesex.org/snapshots (specifically the 'events' program) to see output from /dev/input/event0 without using lircd. Or you can just 'cat /dev/input/event0' and watch a few 'junk' characters fall out of it when you press buttons. I recommend looking through the lirc-list on sourceforge. Good luck! Cheers, David. > --__--__-- > > Message: 4 > Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2003 01:51:48 +0200 > From: Wieslaw Kierbedz <sprawki@xxxxx> > To: video4linux-list@xxxxxxxxxx > Subject: Re: ir-common question > Reply-To: video4linux-list@xxxxxxxxxx > > Uz.ytkownik David Antliff napisa?: > Thanks for response - I just thouth, that nobody tell me anything. > Then last questions. > 1) If I install lirc from cvs I do not need lirc modules - only lirc > daemon and stuff? > 2) Is there any way to check is that driver (ir-common) working without > lirc stuff?