Alex wrote:
This is the story:
I install the Red Hat 9 with 2.4.20-8 kernel version.
I have also in an PCI slot a TV Tuner (KWorld) base
BT878 chip set and the tuner is Philips PAL.
I download the last version of BT driver
I read the following on the site :
"The RH9 kernel for example doesn't work without some
tweaks in the drivers source code because they
backported lot of stuff from 2.5.x and broke source
level compatibility with vanilla 2.4.x kernels."
Can someone help me to install the driver?
I went through basically the same thing you are describing. I loaded RH
9 and tried to just compile and install the bttv modules and then insmod
or modprobe the card, but this didn't work.
What I did is install RH 9, get all the updates to the installed
packages from Red Hat via demo account for up2date. Get the latest
kernel and kernel headers (very important to get the kernel headers)
from up2date and then reboot so you are running the new kernel (on my
system GRUB is automatically updated to reference the new kernel and
boot to it). Then get the latest stable bttv drivers source and compile
it versus the new kernel headers (should be in
/usr/src/linux/linux-2.4.xx). Recompile the current kernel 2.4.xx and
make sure that you enable bttv loading as a module (you may use make
menuconfig or make xconfig). You should be able to save the newly
compiled kernel as 2.4.xx-xx-bttv as a name so you can identfy it. I
just replaced the kernel of the same name in the same directory it was
in. Probably not the safest thing to do, but I had other kernels to
fall back on. Anyway, reboot so that now you are running on the
recompiled kernel and then modprobe bttv and at that point my card was
detected and I had to jump through some other hoops to get xawtv
installed and working.
Good Luck,
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