When I try to record video for cinelerra, I get error message. I even recompiled mjpeg tools...I have all libraries installed... adoshi [root@beast adoshi]# lavrec -w -q 80 -f q -i p -d 1 -R m -l 35 video%02d.mov ++ WARN: [lavrec] Sound card told us it's using rate 44101Hz instead of 44100Hz Press enter to start recording> Press enter to pause recording **ERROR: [lavrec] Error writing to output file video01.mov: Internal: broken JPEG format ++ WARN: [lavrec] Closing file(s) and exiting - output file(s) my not be readable due to error 0.00.00:00 int:177 lst: 0 ins: 0 del: 0 ae: 0 td1=0.000 td2=0.000 Recording time : 0.00.00:00 Lost frames : 000 A/V sync ins/del: 000/000 Audio errors : 000