Hi I work with a Matrox Meteor 1 Card and FFmpeg for save every Frame as a ppm image. My framerate is 25fps. At the beginning it is nessesary to turn 2 commands for the matrox Card and after this set in xawtv the TV norm as NTFS if not FFmpeg woun't be work. But my images are only 320*320 and if I change the size in FFmpeg it stop. And If i save image to my disk 2 are good 2 are bad and so on. sometimes it work (but with the error in the images) and somtemes not and I don't understand why. Why must I set the TV Norm in xawtv on NTFS and not to PAL? Why can I not change the size of the images with FFmpeg to 720*576? Does anybody has a detailed instruction for a beginner what I must turn that It fonction very well. thanks very much Daniel -- COMPUTERBILD 15/03: Premium-e-mail-Dienste im Test -------------------------------------------------- 1. GMX TopMail - Platz 1 und Testsieger! 2. GMX ProMail - Platz 2 und Preis-Qualitätssieger! 3. Arcor - 4. web.de - 5. T-Online - 6. freenet.de - 7. daybyday - 8. e-Post