Torgeir Veimo <torgeir@xxxxxxxxx>
--- Begin Message ---
This new driver adds I2C support, etc. See the release notes on the download
page for more details. To test I2C, the lm_sensors package is needed.
Here's an example shell session:
$ cd driver; make
# modprobe i2c-dev
# modprobe i2c-algo-bit
# insmod tl880.o
# i2cdetect 0; i2cdetect 1; i2cdetect 2
The various README files in the driver package describe this and other tests
that would be helpful to the driver development. Everyone with a TL880 card
should be able to test this out, and at least get color bars and I2C devices.
If anybody has problems, post them to the list. Also, if you find any
devices on any of the I2C buses, please post them to the list. If anybody
tries this driver, also post the driver's output from dmesg (or
/var/log/kern.log) to the list.
Mike Bourgeous
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--- End Message ---