Es schrieb "Robert L. RAKSI": > > By the way, anybody tried nvrec ( > Not yet. Just build the new mpeg4ip to have video in the home net and would like so much to have it stereo with faac and faad2 (compiles now all), but like mplayer mp4live gets the md9717 still mono only ;-) What I mostly do on mplayer-0.90pre10 is gmplayer -v -tv on:driver=v4l:input=1:width=384:height=288:outfmt=i420:chanlist=europe-west -vc rawi420 -vo xv -fps 50 and then I have audio mono and can change the channels. Even in fullscreen the video is very smooth and over Twin cloned on TV with the nvidia it delivers more as needed. Max Resolution is 452x339, but quality is gone there. As long it is mono I will use xawtv for recording and for high compression mp4live works good and tv is tvtime. (use /dev/rtc) Let me know when audio works so I start patching. Greetings Hermann --