I have pretty much tracked out the connections on the analog side of the cx23881 chip with the help of the datasheets. However, I don't have any sheets for the tuner (Philips TPI8PSB01N). Most of the stuff I can guess, since it's all pretty much the same as the bt878 card I have lying around here. I am however puzzled about a comment in the sheets about the Chroma and the audio input being multiplexed? This is being done by the CD4052B right? This multiplexer chip is also on the bt878 card, did this card also multiplex the audio and chroma? Ok well, anyway, comments are welcome. Furthermore I could use some advice as to what else I have to track out. I've got the sheets and my trusty multimeter so I'm ready to go. What else would someone (possibly me) need to know in order to write a driver for this card? What do I need to track on the digital side? Do I need to track the I2C connections or is it safe to assume this stuff will be identical to the older cards? In short, if one of you is working on a driver, let me know if I can provide you with information about my particular card, if no one is working on it, could someone give me a push in order to do the dirty work myself? Regards, Dries