lør, 2002-12-07 kl. 17:43 skrev Bart Veldhuizen: > Did you experiment with the values that I write into those registers as > I suggested? I also experienced the bevahiour that you describe on my > Cinergy 400, but it disappeared when I chose a value of 1. Maybe another > value gives you good results.. I tried up to 10. Three of them (05, 06 and 09 if I remember correctly) gave the same result as 01, the rest of them no sound at all. I also experimented a bit with which registers to write to. When I set i < 0x169, it was just as without this patch. Sound was mostly ok, but quite often when I switched channel I just got noise for sound. When i < 0x170, I get sound everytime just fine, but only for three-four seconds. But it works _everytime_. Sometime I have better time, maybe I should try using only some registers. I'll see. Thanks. Best regards, Stian Jordet