On Wed, 2002-03-20 at 00:02, Stephen Johnson wrote: > now that it's capuring nice, is there an editing program for linux > anyone can recommend? broadcast2000 is pulled down and all the ones i > tried from freshmeat either stink or won't compile. can anyone > recommend something, this isn't for hardcore production just simple > editing, adding music, and exporting to a compressed format. mjpegtools and Linux Video Studio. > also, i'm using laytools (lavrec) to capture as an avi, i can play it > with lavplay, but aviplay and other tools can't seem to play the avis? mplayer plays my dc10plus-captured movies. Maybe you're using an ancient version of lavplay/lavrec? (the newest are included in the mjpegtools). Ronald -- - .-. - /V\ | Ronald Bultje <rbultje@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> - // \\ | Running: Linux 2.4.18-XFS and OpenBSD 3.0 - /( )\ | http://ronald.bitfreak.net/ - ^^-^^