On 12 Mar 2002, Ronald Bultje wrote: > Why broadcast really removed their software is simply because it didn't > work good enough (that's what I've been told). They started a new > project (cinerella or whatever it's called nowadays) which should be > better. Do you really think they'd be developing a new video editing > suite if they were so affraid of being sued for it that they removed the > old version from their website? > I have no reason to not trust what they are saying. And their worries are mine too. Multiples of them. I use Broadcast since it's early beggining w/few problems compiled out_of_the_box. We (Linux/BSD users) have not a huge list of alternatives. And the problem in the video arena is far more complicated. The VLSI "closed" trend implement CODECs in hard/firmware putting software in the proper species of the information gender. Here (hard/firm) patents apply very well. See how many of us seek for simple information about some chips ? With the PALMs and 3rd gen phones ahead patented CODECs are a battle field and tools to deal with them a great problem (or profitable biz). To keep the worries bounded by the list subject it's enough to me to loose such a remarkable work/alternative. :-( Their (b.team) worries are mine too. They have my deep sympathy. Enough to me to loose this tool due to such kind of problems. Abracos PCastro -- HOM: http://www.momentus.com.br/users/hook/ GPG: http://www.momentus.com.br/users/hook/GPG-PauloCastro.asc