I'm not sure this belongs on the video4linux list, but I hope someone can help me. I'm trying to get a firewire card going on my redhat 7.2 box (connecting to digital video camera). I am running kernel 2.4.9-13 (as obtained from redhat). I've looked at the following sites: linux1394: http://linux1394.sourceforge.net/ raw1394: http://sourceforge.net/projects/libraw1394/ dvgrab: http://www.schirmacher.de/arne/dvgrab/ I've installed the following rpms: dvgrab-1.01-1mdk.i586.rpm libraw1394-0.9.0-1.i386.rpm libraw1394-devel-0.9.0-1.i386.rpm libraw1394-devel-static-0.9.0-1.i386.rpm I've rebooted. I'm not too sure how to test my firewire card, but I've tried running the program dvgrab. Here's what happens first: ----------------------------------------- [blake@sierra blake]$ dvgrab --frames 25 party raw1394 - couldn't get handle: No such file or directory This error usually means that the ieee1394 driver is not loaded or that /dev/raw1394 does not exist. ----------------------------------------------- So, I make the entries in /dev/: [root@sierra dev]# mknod /dev/video1394 c 172 0 [root@sierra dev]# chmod a+rw /dev/video1394 [root@sierra dev]# mknod /dev/raw1394 c 171 0 [root@sierra dev]# chmod a+rw /dev/raw1394 I also inserted the modules: [root@sierra blake]# modprobe ieee1394 [root@sierra blake]# modprobe raw1394 [root@sierra blake]# modprobe ohci1394 attempt_root=1 [root@sierra blake]# modprobe video1394 [root@sierra blake]# lsmod Module Size Used by video1394 15536 0 (unused) ohci1394 17072 1 [video1394] raw1394 6816 0 (unused) ieee1394 24496 0 [video1394 ohci1394 raw1394] (the unused looks odd to me, but I really don't know) So, now when I run dvgrab, it does not give me an error, but it doesn't do anything either. I'm not sure if this is a dvgrab error or a 1394 error. So, I run testlibraw and get some errors and I'm not sure what they mean. [root@sierra blake]# /usr/bin/testlibraw successfully got handle current generation number: 3 1 card(s) found nodes on bus: 2, card name: ohci1394 using first card found: 2 nodes on bus, local ID is 0, IRM is 1 doing transactions with custom tag handler trying to send read request to node 0... completed with value 0x14379265 trying to send read request to node 1... failed with error: Resource temporarily unavailable using standard tag handler and synchronous calls trying to read from node 0... completed with value 0x94459265 trying to read from node 1... failed with error: Resource temporarily unavailable testing FCP monitoring on local node Segmentation fault