Hope you'll help me ... So, here is my configuration : - MiroPCTV BT848 Secam tuner (France) - GeForceIIMX last Nvidia Driver aka 1541 - XFree Debian Sid up to date Every thing is all right to watch TV, but some time (ramdom) the tune of the channel change by itself with no reason ? The trick to tune fine is to change channel (sometimes a lot) to recover a perfect image. I tried several things like force the use of the pll, not using the Xv ... A friend of my have no pb with a MatroxG400 ? For info, that desynchronisation not occure with Win98. I do not remember that problem when I was using 2 years ago Xawtv with an ATI videoCard. I also tried several TV soft to be sure it was a v4l pb. Regards, Jérôme. PS: I can send you snapshots of that