Hello, I'm trying to install V4L2. I tarred the necessary videodev20010302.tgz file into /usr/src/linux. Now I have two directories under /usr/src/linux which are drivers/ and include/. I'm supposed to execute make modules;make modules_install now however when I do that under /usr/src/linux, I get *** No rule to make target install. I think I'm missing the source files for linux since I was mssing drivers/ and include/ directories previously. I want to get the source files. I'm using mandrake 80 but I couldn't figure out how I can install all source files or maybe the ones I need for V4L2. I'll be very thankful if you can help me with that. Best regards, Sule Sule Yildirim Ph.D student and research assistant Ege University International Computer Institute Bornova Izmir TURKEY Tel: +90 232 342 32 32 / 123 Fax: +90 232 3887230 http://bornova.ege.edu.tr/~yildirim