I am in the final throws of building a prototype device for a show. Unexpectedly I have run into a couple of problems with V4l/bttv/i2c that I cannot seem to resolve. Briefly here are some facts... On a desktop system using the defaults provided by the RedHat distribution 7.1 my stuff works. My stuff captures a frame, compresses it and sends it a live video feed over 100baseT. Next I put it on an embedded platform. I copied the kernel sources from the RedHat distribution onto the embedded system and made a kernel. The embedded system does not have a video adapter or keyboard. The console is a serial port. While I have tried a lot of variations with varying results, including hard hangs, however the basic configuration always returns a /dev/video0 - no such device when an open is attempted. This code works on the desktop system with the same frame-grabber. On boot, kudzu finds the frame grabber, Brooktree 847, and configures it. The actual brand is unknown, there are no markings. I feel I am very close, and would like to converse with someone to help me get by this problem. I'll gladly offer some remuneration for the help. Mike