> How do I tell what version of bttv is in the 2.4.7 kernel? Maybe some reasonable bttv which was current that time... > If I need to upgrade, how do replace the kernel bttv stuff with the > new stuff? At least you could try to use the latest bttv. How do you install XYZ? Get XYZ.tar.gz, unpack and read the instructions. Before submitting bugs, read the instructions. When you submit bugs/questions include everything relevant. What is relevant? - Read the instructions. > Should I try the v4l-2 stuff? Try the latest bttv form bytesex.org(?), maybe you could also try the latest from the bttv-0.7.x series. Maybe there are some hints on that site or in "bttv-0.8.x.tar.gz" on what could be good to try... I cant give you real hints here, as I stopped using my hauppauge card about a year ago. That time my mashine crashed after some hours of using bttv 0.7.x. I could try the rewritten code base of bttv 0.8.x. Well it could be a problem with my mainboard - I'm unsure and don't have the time to check that. Regards, Robert