Running RH6.2, kernel 2.2.19 (with stock bttv 0.5.35), xawtv 3.47 & RealProducer 8.5 on PIII 667, 128MB, Hauppauge Theater . Xawtv complains about "prehistoric driver", but works OK as regards picture quality. RealProducer on the other hand, is suffering severe artefacts - on encoded output this resembles early B&W TV from the mechanical scanning era (vertical bars). The picture is also stretched horizontally - with the bars looking like (luminance, blueish,yellowish, luminance,...) across the screen. Occasionally, it's as if something comes into lock, and the picture is correctly sized and rendered. I've reproduced this on the same machine with xRealProducer G2, which shows the problem on the *pre*-encoded video, but seems to show more "hunting" between the good and impaired states. Has anyone seen this type of artefact before (on any client?). Can anyone offer an explaination of the phenomenon? A solution would be welcome too :-) The problem is consistent across the different inputs of the Hauppage card, including the normal "blue screen" of the unconnected S-Video. Encoding to server, or file gives the same results. There is an email in with Real, but am awaiting a real reply following the initial "have you tried the obvious, and give us some more detail" stage. If it's a known issue, I really could do with knowing the minimum I have to do to make it go away - the box is some geographic distance away from me, and it's likely to be a remote access job (NB: Xawtv works fine with a remote display - very useful!) Thanks, Mike Onyskiw