First let me provide some answers to the previous problems that I have had.
The Grandtec card has a 28Mhz Xtal for NTSC capturing. When trying to
capture from
a PAL camera or video source you need to tell the driver that the XTAL
is 28MHz, so that
it will adjust the pll to produce the appropriate 35Mhz for pal.
This is done via the insmod option pll = 1
The problem I am having , is it seems that the first time I try to capture
a PAL frame the clock
freq is not correct. If I close the program and retry,all subsequent
acquisitions the clock freq is
correctly adjusted.
In the bt878a data sheet it says that you have to poll a pll lock bit
in the dstatus register after you
change the pll settings. Is this something I should be doing
in my code or does the bttv driver allready
do this.
Perhaps the problem has nothing to do with the clock frequency.
Any help would be appreciated