Hello Gerd, > > The thing is S_FMT and G_FMT are used for setting other formats too. > > You can't remove S_FMT and G_FMT, so you gain nothing by forcing v4l2 > > drivers to interpret VIDIOCGVBIFMT, etc. instead. > > v4l2 drivers are supported to be backward compatible to v4l, so they have ^^^^^^^^^ supposed? > to interpret VIDIOCGVBIFMT anyway. And I can't see any advantages v4l2 > has here, so why support two different ways to do exactly the same? Why are v4l2 drivers supposed to interpret VIDIOCGVBIFMT? In the "old" v4l2-scheme, backward compatibility is entirely up to videodevX, and that's good. (Please note my other mail, which goes into the same directions) > Gerd CU Michael.