From: "Marco A. Sousa" <marcolinux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> > Alan Cox (alan@xxxxxxxxxx) wrote: > > > > There is interesting system: they publish on sunday's newspaper > > > all the shows with some numbers. If u type this number, the VCR > > > records the show! > > It isnt encoded into the tv at all. The numbers are encrypted > > copies of the (time, length, channel) tuple. (...) > I saw once a live show with a normal broadcast TV and a satelite TV. > While in the ads, the normal TV show then. > But the TV through satelite shows a blank screen, maybe because the > ads are localized and not shown to all country. In Germany there exists "ShowView". Usually every tv paper magazin prints a number next to the start time of the film/show/... . This is the ShowView-number. It is intended to make the programming of the VCR easier. Instead of telling your VCR start, stop, channel, etc. you just type in the number. A different system, which is unrelated to ShowView and many years older is "VPS" (Video-Programm-System). This system makes it possible for the VCR to exactly record what you wanted to. It's based on a signal from the broadcast station. Broadcasters can assure this way, that shows/films, which are late, to be completely on the tape. Interesting: VPS has an "on hold" function. This can pause the VCR (during trouble (detected by the broadcaster), ads, news, etc.). The state-aided broadcasters (e.g. ARD, ZDF) send a full-featured VPS signal. They introduced VPS in 1985. Only a minority of the private broadcasters send VPS. None of these sends "on hold"-VPS during ads. Bye, Robert