G'day All,
I'm not sure if me got the right list for this question, but
its video related so here goes!
I got me a DVD player (IDE DVD) and am
wanting to use it under Redhat 7. I got onto the LiViD Website and downloaded me
a copy of libcss, OMS and OMI. Installed and compiled ok (after a little huff'en
and puff'en) ANYWAYZ, I ran omi_gtk and it works ok.
I go to play a DVD, but it says that its encrypted
and I need DVD ioctrls. Okay I says, lets fix this, I hop back on the net to get
a new kernel (currently running 2.2.16-4) I got 2.2.17 complied and installed,
but omi_gtk still complains about DVD ioctrls..
Is this because
A. I have incorrectly updated the
B. The DVD authorities are still not letting Linux
Users / Developers use thier Algorithims, thats why its not
Jay Langford