> Mar 28 02:36:52 zippy1 kernel: tea6300: chip_command 0xc0347604 > Mar 28 02:37:10 zippy1 kernel: tea6300: chip_write: reg5=0x0 The tea6300 support seems to be broken. Turn off tea6300 support in tvaudio and try the tea6300.o module from the old subdirectory of the bttv tarball -- it should work again. I don't know why throuth. I've compared what both modules do (from the debug output someone mailed me) some time ago, but couldn't figure what exactly is going wrong. Looked like both drivers are doing exactly the same, but with tvaudio it doesn't work for some mysterious reason. Would be nice if someone with a STB could have a detailed look at the problem... Gerd -- Man muß die Software wacker hüten weil in der Welt die Hacker wüten