I, me again :) I think in Amir's solution (a bunch of JPEG files and the stereo sound), but I've tried that before (and, as Gerd note, it's too mouch open/close syscalls). So, I better use the RGB raw single file option of streamer, something like: streamer -f rgb -F stereo ... -o movie.raw The only problem is that I can't find any program that handles those files, so I made my own :) You can check it at http://abulafia.fciencias.unam.mx/~canek/rgb2mov/index.html The program converts one RGB raw movie, to a Quicktime Uncompressed RGB movie. It's reasonably fast, but you need A LOT of hard drive. Also, the program can scale the video to any resolution, which I found very usefull, because I grab in 320x240, and then scale to 480x480 (SVCD resolution). The scaling is made it with ImageMagick (because is the better quality library I found) and in a frame per frame basis. As you can imagine, the scaling process is SLOW AS HELL (3-4 frames per second; if anyone knows better approaches, please drop me a line). BUT THE QUALITY IS _*AWESOME*_! (and the MPEG-2 VBR encoded movies are amazingly good, and very _very_ _*very*_ small). When Gerd make streamer capable of grabbing QT movies in stereo, this little program will be useless; but I hope someone find it usefull for now. Canek -- As far as anyone knows we're a nice, normal family. -- Homer Simpson There's No Disgrace Like Home