Sorry, I senr the message and there was no source code in it.. I repeat i think it is too slow.. please take a look and tell me what do I have to you have it... #include <unistd.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <signal.h> #include <linux/types.h> #include <linux/videodev.h> #include <errno.h> #include <time.h> #define ROWS 240 #define COLS 320 int cam,size,i,frame,q; struct video_capability cap; struct video_picture pic; struct video_window win; struct video_capture vicap; struct video_channel vidcan; struct video_mbuf vidbuf; struct video_buffer buffer; struct video_mmap mapbuf; char *bigbuf; char *buf; time_t t, t2; main (){ //------------------------------------------------------------------- /* OPEN VIDEO DEVICE */ //------------------------------------------------------------------- cam = open("/dev/video", O_RDWR ); if (cam<0){printf("ERROR: NO SE DETECTA CAMARA\n"); exit(-1);} //-------------------------------------------------------------------- /* VIDEO CAPABILITIES*/ //--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (-1==ioctl(cam,VIDIOCGCAP,&cap)){perror("ioctl VIDIOCGCAP"); exit(-1);} printf("name -> %s\n",; printf("type -> %d\n", cap.type); printf("channels -> %d\n", cap.channels); printf("audios -> %d\n", cap.audios ); printf("maxwidth -> %d\n", cap.maxwidth ); printf("maxheight -> %d\n", cap.maxheight); printf("minwidth -> %d\n", cap.minwidth ); printf("minheight -> %d\n", cap.minheight ); //--------------------------------------------------------------------- /* FRAME GRABBERS DETECTION*/ //--------------------------------------------------------------------- if (-1==ioctl(cam,VIDIOCSFBUF,&buffer))printf ("No se dectecto frame grabber\n"); else { if (-1==ioctl(cam,VIDIOCGFBUF,&buffer)) {perror ("ioctl VIDIOCGFBUF"); exit(-1);} printf ("add -> %d\n", buffer.base); printf ("height -> %d\n", buffer.height); printf ("width -> %d\n", buffer.width); printf ("depth -> %d\n", buffer.depth); printf ("BPL -> %d\n", buffer.bytesperline);} //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /* CAPTURE WINDOW */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------- win.x = 0; win.y = 0; win.width = COLS; win.height = ROWS; win.clipcount = 0; win.chromakey = 1; win.flags = VIDEO_CLIPMAP_SIZE; if (-1== ioctl(cam, VIDIOCSWIN,&win)){perror ("ioctl VIDIOCSWIN"); exit (-1);} //--------------------------------------------------------------------- /* IMAGE PROPERTIES*/ //--------------------------------------------------------------------- pic.depth = 24; pic.palette = VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB24; pic.brightness = 100; pic.contrast = 30; pic.whiteness = 0; pic.colour = 0; pic.hue = 0; if (-1==ioctl( cam, VIDIOCSPICT, &pic )){perror("ioctl VIDIOCSPICT"); exit(-1);} ioctl( cam, VIDIOCGPICT, &pic ); printf("brightness -> %d \n", pic.brightness/256 ); printf("hue -> %d\n", pic.hue/256); printf("colour -> %d\n", pic.colour/256 ); printf("contrast -> %d \n", pic.contrast/256 ); printf("whiteness -> %d\n", pic.whiteness/256 ); printf("depth -> %d\n", pic.depth ); printf("palette -> %d \n", pic.palette ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------- /* MAPPING BUFFER */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (-1==ioctl(cam,VIDIOCGMBUF,&vidbuf)){perror("ioctl VIDIOCGMBUF"); exit(-1);} printf("size -> %d\n",vidbuf.size); printf("frames -> %d\n",vidbuf.frames); printf("offsets -> %d\n",vidbuf.offsets); bigbuf = (char *)mmap(0,vidbuf.size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, cam, 0); mapbuf.width = COLS; mapbuf.height = ROWS; mapbuf.format = VIDEO_PALETTE_RGB24; for(frame=0; frame<vidbuf.frames;frame++){ mapbuf.frame = frame; if (ioctl(cam,VIDIOCMCAPTURE, &mapbuf)<0){ perror("VIDIOCMCAPTURE"); exit(-1);} printf ("p\n"); } frame = 0; q=0; time(&t); while (1){ i = -1; while(i<0){ i= ioctl(cam,VIDIOCSYNC, &frame); if(i < 0 && errno == EINTR) continue; if (i < 0) { perror ("VIDIOCSYNC"); exit(-1); } break; } buf = bigbuf + vidbuf.offsets[frame]; mapbuf.frame = frame; if (ioctl(cam,VIDIOCMCAPTURE, &mapbuf)<0) {perror("VIDIOCMCAPTURE"); exit(-1);} frame++; q++; if (frame>=vidbuf.frames) frame=0; if (q==29){time(&t2); fprintf (stderr,"Time: initial: %d \nfinal: %d\nelapsed: %d \n", (time_t)t, (time_t)t2, (time_t)t2-t); } }}