Ok, so I finally broke down and have done away w/the dead tree format 'film' of normal cameras a few mos ago. The one I purchased? Fuji FinePix 40i. It uses a 'SmartMedia' card for storage and has a USB port integrated on it. http://www.fujifilm.com/tcm.html?x-tempest-op=generic&ContentId=2729&UserTyp eId=2&CurrentTopCategory=4&pagetype=ContentItemLeaf After doing tons of research... I'd highly recommended it to anyone in the market. It also creates avi's w/sound and plays mp3s _and_ fits in your pocket. So anyway, I started thinking how it would integrate w/my life. Yes, like I said, it has an integrated USB port-- and, my Libretto 110CT, checked my dock that I hadn't looked at in awhile, that doesn't have a USB port either. HOWEVER, not a problem. I found this 'pcmcia' style card that I'm able to just slide the smartmedia card from the camera INTO and then slide the pc card into the free slot on my libretto. This providing virtually limitless photo's on the road, whatever...works out pretty nicely, eh? I've yet to receive the pcmcia card mentioned above (should be here early next week) and am wondering if anyone's doing something similair with their libretto... Specifically, the pcmcia card solution. I guess my ultimate question is, since I run solely linux on my libretto (I have a velcro section of my dash in the card where I usually store the libretto integrated w/the car stereo for mp3s and various other things...) is-- what kind of usage/functionality could I expect using this jury-rigged smartcard <-> pcmcia card device w/linux? I've been using gPhoto @ home which works fine w/the camera-- but as far as utilizing this 3rd party device to access the data on the smartmedia cards from the camera...who knows? I'm not sure exactly how I'm gonna make that work out, ya know? Anyone have any experience w/my situation and maybe an answer to the supporting linux question? Worst case scenario I'd just have to make a windows partition to deal w/the smartmedia card reader <-> pcmcia card device-- but what a hassle, rebooting and dealing w/that shit. Obviously the ideal would be dropping the card in, then into the libretto, automatically the data is removed and nuked. Next. Anyway, thanks in advance; Soren.