I recently got a Hauppauge WinTV-Go card and have been trying to get it working under XFree 86 4.0.1 (Mandrake 7.2 Distribution) without any success. The system hangs whenever I start xawtv (or kwintv). I cannot access the it via the keyboard or telnet. My configuration is as follows: CPU: Celeron 128 M memory Graphics Card: ATI Rage 128 (32 M) AGP X: XF86 4.0.1 (with and without the v4l module) TV Card: Hauppauge WinTV-Go Linux: Mandrake 7.2, 2.2.17 kernel, KDE 2.0. FBTV works if X (4.0.1) is not running (init 3), but the system crashes if X is running (init 5), even though I've switched to a virtual terminal to run fbtv. A borrowed Matrox millenium 2 card in the above configuration works fine if the v4l module is loaded by XF86. The ATI card and xawtv also seem to work with XF86 3.3.6. I would like to stay with 4.0.1 since it fixes other problems with the rage card. The system also crashes with the latest 2.4.0 kernel using either xF86 3.3.6 or 4.0.1. Any suggestions. Bob...