Hello everyone, I put grabbed sequences on ftp://robert.mpe-garching.mpg.de/pub/btgrab/ There You can also find the sources of the small!!! test software I wrote. The grabbed sequences are stored in files called [cs]??/daten, and in [cs]??/log You can see which frames had long grabs and how long. The 'long frame 0' is not necessarily correct, as the first frame is asigned a too long time due to an 'error' in my test software, so just ignore the first frame. The format of the 'daten' file can be best seem from the source code of btgrab2. How did I produce this data: I used a videoHi8 VCR to playback the same piece of tape six times. I recorded it with three different card= options of the bttv driver, and over two different input channels. The card=21,35,37 were used and I grabbed through composite and svhs. The card=21, composite grab is stored in directory c21, the card=35 svhs in s35/. The video material has a time code in the lower right corner which You can use to syncronise the grabs. Also You can use this time code to see the 'dropped filed effect' I discribed in my last email. See You, Robert S. {:) -- Robert S"utterlin (robert@xxxxxxxxxx) phone: +(49)89 30 000 - 3546, fax: +(49)89 30 000 - 3390 adress: Giessenbachstrasse, POBox 1603, 85740 Garching, Germany